Monday, September 3, 2007

First Day of School

What a week-end we've had. Thursday, Belle and Molly packed their bags and off we went to Madison to drop Molly off for her first year of college. Saturday, Molly was traipsing toward Memorial Union with some new friends and spied a beautiful golden retriever. She and her friends got a little misty thinking about how much they missed their dogs, when the woman with the beautiful beast turned and greeted Molly by name. Yep, it was none other than the Hudson Helping Paws Ambassadors for homesick freshman - Marie and Doze! Thanks, Marie for sharing your beautiful dog with Molly and her friends.

Saturday was also a Helping Paws day at the Fair for Belle and I. While at the Fair, we shared time with Belle's friend Hemi and his foster mom, Cathy. Today, my sister-in-law Jan and I headed to the Fair for some early morning art and Fair food. (Instead of Arts and Crafts, I think we should refer to such a session as Arts and Farts.) While tooling through the education building, we ran into Cathy again - this time doing double duty as an ambassador for Charter Schools.

Given that a new school is about to begin, I'd have to say the equation that sums up this past week-end has to be Education + Dogs = Helping Paws.

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