Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Our Big, Bold, Busy Day

Yesterday was a full day with lots of activity with the kids and dogs. The sun came out in the afternoon and we all got to go outside and play ball for a bit. When we came in, Will curled up on the soft chair and fell asleep. Nothing could wake Will. Not Charlie's cold wet nose nuzzling his cheek. And definitely not the tennis ball that Charlie kept offering to him by dropping it between Will's cheek and shoulder.

Of course, all that running around meant some fairly heavy panting for Belle and Charlie. Charlie would of made a sailor blush by the belch he ripped off as he sat down beside me. Claire thought that rather hilarious.

Despite the belch, Charlie has beautiful manners. He was gentle with the kids. He never jumps up. And his greetings are simply wonderful. This big boy gets the full body wag going and it truly makes the greetee feel special. He does love picking up paper. Claire nearly had her homework sheet destroyed because she kept forgetting this about Charlie and kept setting it down on the floor. Naturally, he picked it right up and brought it to her - several times. He didn't try to chew it, but saliva and paper don't usually mix well. The homework sheet was no exception. It was a learning experience for Claire.

After all the activity yesterday, I think we'll lay low as best we can today. Maybe even have a nap ourselves!

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