Sunday, October 19, 2008

Surprised by Joy, Part II

My thanks to the great comments left on the last post. I'd like to address a thought touched on in each comment - how sad it must be to see Belle move on.

Let me put it this way. If I had a tail it would not have stopped wagging.

At our foster folk celebration luncheon right after we dropped off the dogs for the last time, one of the first questions asked by Bella's (Belle's sister) foster mom, was if anyone else's dog had completely quit working for them. She related how they
First day of Team Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hadn't been able to get Bella to
respond to virtually any request since the previous week-end. A chorus of "me too's" rang out around the table.

As we talked, it became apparent to all of us that as our dogs skill grew they also began to realize that we didn't need their help. Their experience with their new partners cemented that realization. It also underscored what I've increasingly felt about my relationship with Belle - that she had outgrown me.

Seeing her with Jesse, hearing how the day's training went, knowing what it must be like for both to discover the wonder of each other makes me feel pure joy. The tremendous joy that can only come from doing something previously thought undoable.

Belle's skills and enthusiasm will be put to work every day. She will be much loved and will give much love to her new partner. She couldn't have a more wonderful life. And that makes me really happy.


Anonymous said...

The dog equivalent of college graduation. Belle enters the workforce. Bravo!

Xtreme English said...

i suppose this is how we parents feel when our kids finally move out and succeed at whatever they choose to do. maybe our spiritual tails aren't wagging at first--empty nest syndrome has inspired many books and articles--but when they're happily on their own, we're happy.

interesting that bella's trainer told how bella stopped doing anything for her. this sounds a lot like kids who are ready to leave home, too. no "advice" needed. ha.

congratulations, lu

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to Belle and Jesse and Lu from Carrot and MurphyJohn. We'll miss you Belle, but we know you're off doing very good things!

Service Dog Sawyer said...

Congrats on your new career Belle! May it be a long and happy partnership!